Incident 33685
Incident 33685
Spurlock, Cassie, RN93969: License Revoked for violation of NRS 632.347(1)(g) unprofessional conduct; NAC 632.890(9) practicing nursing while, with or without good cause, his or her physical, mental or emotional condition impairs his or her ability to act in a manner consistent with established or customary nursing standards, or both; (16) failing to document properly the
Spurlock, Cassie, RN93969: License
Revoked for violation of NRS 632.347(1)(g)
unprofessional conduct; NAC 632.890(9)
practicing nursing while, with or without
good cause, his or her physical, mental or
emotional condition impairs his or her
ability to act in a manner consistent with
established or customary nursing standards,
or both; (16) failing to document properly
the administration of a controlled substance;
and (18) diverting supplies, equipment or
drugs for personal or unauthorized use.